General Meeting Minutes - May 2023
Raylene Easton
15 May, 2023 Capital Tigers Meeting Details
Date: 15th May, 2023
Present: Raylene Easton, Tony Allocca, Joey Fahey, Alison Neil ('phone), Cherie Roe ('phone), Paul Simper ('phone), Nick StaniforthApologies: Liam French
Previous Minutes: minutes of the previous meeting (April) were endorsed: moved by Paul and seconded by Tony.
Meeting started: 7:38pm
Updates on agenda items
GWS bus trip
Currently have 15 confirmed and paid participants, with another 4 or 5 very likely. Ideally, we need 24, so are running about 4 short.
Pre-game function -- is being held from 10am in Sydney with a $30pp cover charge. Committee decided this was too early a start for our bus contingent and that, as a result, the $30 cost was unlikely to be value for us.
Bus can now leave a bit later (8am), with a coffee stop along the way.
Raylene to confirm with Sydney group, but is proposing that there be a 'lucky door prize' for bus travellers for two spots on the banner run-through. Raylene also to contact Marcus about some 'give-aways' on the day.
Bus to be re-timed for 8am
Raylene to contact Sydney group about banner run-through
Raylene to contact Marcus about 'give-aways'.10th anniversary event/major raffle
Our No. 10 jersey still with RFC -- expected back any time. Other merch to be sought from RFC closer to the date.
Raylene to work with Eastlake on catering quotes/arrangements (ongoing).Other fundraising:
Bunnings barbecue -- ongoing
Tipping comp -- still a couple of outstanding payments -- Liam to follow-up
Treasurer's report:
Current bank balance xxxx with a further xxxx in cash. GWS bus trip payment to come out of this.
Alison to be travelling over the next few weeks, and is unable to load Events via the Facebook app. Raylene has access to Facebook account, and Cherie is willing to assist.
Other business:
Raylene sent an email around the committee with a copy of the 2023 Supporters Group Guidelines. Committee noted these.
Next meeting
Next meeting: 7:30pm, Monday, 19 June 2023 at Eastlake FC