General Meeting Minutes - June 2023
Raylene Easton
19 June, 2023 Capital Tigers Meeting Details
Date: 19th June, 2023
Meeting started: 7:32pmPresent: Raylene Easton, Tony Allocca ('phone), Joey Fahey, Liam French, Cherie Roe ('phone), Paul Simper ('phone), Nick Staniforth
Apologies: Alison Neil
Approve minutes from May meeting: moved Liam French, seconded Joey Fahey. Agreed
1. GWS bus trip
General discussion around the committee.
Bus company was very good --bus was comfortable and the driver very professional, friendly and accommodating.
Provided a good opportunity to catch up with Marcus from RFC and also 'Flea'.
Some confusion around participation in the banner/run on, but it was felt this was a mixture of bad timing and bad luck. Game time of 1pm made it impossible to participate in pre-game function and difficult to work with Sydney supporter group 'on the day'.
Financially, we were probably one or two people short to 'break even', so did incur a small loss on the day, But we did have people on the bus who do not normally turn up to game day at Eastlake, so the trip did provide a good opportunity to engage another group of local supporters.
Overall, a good and enjoyable trip!
2. 10th anniversary function
Function quote from Eastlake
Committee noted advice from Eastlake that the function room would not be available until 6pm. While this is not ideal, it was agreed we could 'live with' that timing, but would need to be well organised with some agreed jobs for people on the night to prep the room, etc and that everyone would need to 'chip in'.
Given the start time, it was agreed that people could buy their own dinners, etc prior to the function starting. We would then ask Eastlake to provide the 'Sample Cocktail Package' ($25pp, cold selection and choice of five items from the hot selection) to be served at half-time. We'll will also ask for the upstairs bar to be staffed and available for people to buy (their own) drinks.
Raylene to draft up a plan for setting up the evening and running it 'on the night'. Will circulate this around the committee for comment and for people to take on tasks.
It was agreed that the default position is that people pay beforehand and be registered in, with wristbands, on the night (the bar is outside the function room).
There will be the option for payments on the night (attendees unable to pay earlier, raffle payments, etc). Cherie and Joey to arrange for a payment machine to be collected from the bank so that we do not need to carry large amounts of cash on the night.
Raylene to check with Eastlake about whether there will be a charge for hiring the room for the night.
For promotion, we agreed to do a 'save the date' Facebook post in the next week or so, including a picture of the signed No. 10 jumper. Tony will set up the FB post, Raylene to send him a photo of the signed jumper.
Tony pointed out that we should also explore other promotion options, such as Canberra News, Canberra Weekly, Ginninderry Community Switch, etc. Raylene has a contact at ABC Canberra who has been supportive in the past.
If we are able to get the Premiership Cup(s), we could also arrange for a photographer to do 'by donation' photos.
Contributions from RFC:
No. 10 jumper is back from RFC with both Shane Edwards and Maurice Rioli Jnr signatures.
Marcus and 'Flea' very accommodating in conversations at GWS game.
Marcus advised that there is 'no chance' of any participation by any injured players.
Raylene to follow up on Ivan Soldo video.
3. Other fundraising:
Bunnings bbq: Raylene to email Bunnings this week.
Major raffle: We now have a football signed by all current players. RFC has indicated they will provide further merchandise. 'Flea' has auction items we can access.
Tipping comp: Only one payment outstanding -- understood this person may be overseas, may not be receiving emails, and is generally felt to be very low risk of not paying when made aware.
4. 'Socials' and other comms:
Website: No further contact from Phil. Tony has a friend keen to get website building experience -- he will contact this friend, but may not be until his return from overseas (August).
5. Treasurer's report
We currently have around xxxx in the bank, plus around xxxx in petty cash -- mostly as coins. Cherie said it would be useful not to bank the coins for now, as we are planning a bbq event.
We ended up with a loss of xxxx on the GWS bus trip.
Regarding payments for the bus trip, problems with the bank meant it was not possible to load up a new vendor payment (we have not used this bus company before). So that we could make a timely payment for the bus, payment was made to Cherie who then transferred the money to the bus company. Committee agreed this was the only reasonable approach to take to ensure timely payment of the invoice. Cherie to contact the bank to resolve issues with setting up new vendors and with transaction limits.
Cherie, Raylene and Joey to work together with bank to ensure all have proper access to banking.
6. Other business:
No other business
Next meeting
Next meeting: 7:30pm, Monday 17 July 2023, Eastlake FC.
(Nick Staniforth to be an apology)
Meeting closed: 8:09pm
Summary of agreed actions:
10th anniversary function:
Raylene to draft outline plan for 10th anniversary function and circulate to committee.
Committee members to comment and nominate for jobs.
Cherie and Joey to arrange collection of payment machine for evening of function.
Raylene to confirm with Eastlake around any payment for room hire.
Tony to set up 'save the date' Facebook post -- Raylene to send Tony a photo of No. 10 jumper
Raylene to follow up with RFC about Ivan Soldo video.
Other fundraising:
Raylene to email Bunnings about date for a bbq
Treasurer's report:
Cherie, Raylene and Joey to work with bank to improve transaction permissions and limits.