General Meeting Minutes - August 2023
Raylene Easton
21 August, 2023 Capital Tigers Meeting Details
Date: 21st August, 2023
Meeting started: 7:44pmPresent: Raylene Easton, Tony Allocca, Liam French ('phone), Cherie Roe ('phone), Paul Simper, Nick Staniforth
Apologies: Joey Fahey
Raylene advised that, since the July meeting, Alison Neill had resigned from the committee. The committee agreed to thank Alison for her contribution over her 10 years of involvement with Capital Tigers.
1. 10th anniversary function
Committee agreed that the function had been successful. In particular, we noted that the speakers from RFC ("Flea" and Jim Jess) had been very entertaining; and also welcomed Sean's involvement including organising the 'first goal' raffle each quarter.
Financially, interim figures suggest that we made around xxxx on the day -- but noted that there were still possible receipts and outgoings to consider, so a final set of income and expenditure figures are not possible as yet.
We gained three new Capital Tigers members -- though in each case, these people were existing RFC members.
Committee agreed to send letters of appreciation to:
- Eastlake
- "Flea" and Jim Jess; and
- Marcus (RFC),
for their support and contributions.
Nick to draft letters and send around committee for comment.
2. Other fundraising:
Bunnings bbq: - we are in the 'draw' for a spot, possibly in October. Waiting to hear back from Bunnings.
Tipping comp: Agreed we should look at possible tipping comp for the AFLW season -- not sure this can be organised via the iTipFooty application -- Liam to check this out and advise.
It was also agreed that we should actively promote AFLW games via Eastlake and possible trip to Sydney for Giants game on 16 September.
3. 'Socials' and other comms:
Website: No further contact from Phil. Tony will contact his friend Ben to see if he is willing to do some basic work for us.
4. Treasurer's report
See under '10th anniversary function' for preliminary financial result.
We will need to properly set up a 'Square' for the Bunnings BBQ -- Raylene to send draft 2022 AGM minutes to Cherie so she can arrange this.
5. Other business:
No other business
Next meeting
Next meeting: 7:30pm, Monday 18 September 2023, Eastlake FC.