Capital Tigers Meeting Details
Date: 15th April, 2024
Meeting started: 7:28pm Present: Tony Allocca, Joey Fahey, Liam French, Cherie Roe, Paul Simper
(PS -- Cherie and Paul -- I'm assuming you were there, as Tony didn't indicate otherwise, happy to correct the record if you were apologies)
Apologies: Raylene Easton, Nick Staniforth
Approval of Minutes:
Held over to May meeting
1. Ongoing discussion with Marcus Crocitti (RFC) on Supporter Groups Guidelines
No discussion on 'marked up' version of the Guidelines, setting out the kinds of changes we would like to see.
Also carried over from February meeting:
- Capital Tigers to send a design to RFC for possible 'pull-up' banner;
- Marcus to:
- check back through previous Guidelines and see if there have been significant changes; and
- follow-up Joey's issue with payment for membership.
Capital Tigers to send Marcus a copy of our notes from the February meeting discussion.
2. Fundraising activities -- footy tipping
Liam reported that four participants had been excluded from further participation, as they did not pay their $50 despite reminders.
3. Game day promotion
Nick to continue Facebook posts for each gameday, and also to explore other avenues, such as Ginninderry Community Switch.
4. Website upgrade
Tony resent Ben's email requesting some info. Note that Ben does not have Facebook so will need some info/links from that to help build the site. Tony will go through the email before he heads overseas to see if there is anything I can help with.
5. Absences from future meetings
Tony will be away 19 April to 23 May, so is an apology for the 20 May meeting.
6. Committee membership
Joey advised that he is stepping down from the committee on ongoing basis - but will help out when and where he can. He will remain on the email list for now.
Next meeting
Next meeting scheduled for Monday, 20 May 2024 at 7:30pm, Eastlake FC, Kingston
Meeting closed: 7:45pm