AGM meeting outcomes for 2022

author Raylene EastonRaylene Easton 10 October, 2022

Excellent turn out of members to the 2022 AGM

Date: 10th October, 2022
The Canberra Capital Tigers held our AGM on 10th October 2022. Greg Watt gave his president report.
While 2022 was not as strong on the field as everyone was hoping for, I'm happy to report the Capital Tigers had another strong year financially. Our success like previous years was predominantly due to income received from running a Bunning’s BBQ at Tuggeranong and from our annual major raffle. 
Things in summary were; 
-The members who helped out with the BBQ at Tuggeranong 
-That our donation to RFC this year was $3,000 -Thanked the Eastlakes Club for their support and donations. 
-Thanked the outgoing committee
-Greg made mention of not standing for the committee as he was retiring to Queensland.
I'd like to wish next year’s committee all the best going forward and everyone should get behind the group for next year as it will be our ten-year anniversary. I know the committee has some big things planned for next year to celebrate

The Treasure's Report

Cherie noted the raffles, footy tipping and BBQ provided the funds for the donation in 2022. The BBQ was particularly successful raising $300-$400 more than previous BBQs. The raffle was also quite successful this year. Cherie noted it was a pretty impressive amount with $3000 being donated this year to the RFC. Election of the 2023 committee was carried out by the returning officer (George Easton).

George thanked the 2022 Committee and declared all positions vacant. The following members were successfully nominated and elected; 
  • Raylene Easton
  • President Tony Allocca
  • Vice President Vacant
  • Secretary Cherie Roe - Treasurer. 
George then called for nominations for general committee positions. Four members were successfully nominated. Other positions can be filled later if necessary there are still 2 general committee member positions vacant. 
  • Liam French
  • Joey Fahey
  • Paul Simper
  • Alison Neil
George handed the meeting back to Raylene Easton the 2023 President. We still have a couple of vacancies for committee positions, and if you feel you would like to join us please contact me for further information. [email protected]

Raffle and Tipping results for 2022 Tipping Winners

1st prize and KO Winner – Signed Jersey – Muztigtip88 

Weekly prizes:
  • Frenchy $60
  • Tiggy24au $50 
  • Beachy $40 
  • Turbo Watty $30 
  • The Canberra Tiger $30 
  • AWatt $20
Watch out early next year for when the call goes out for joining our tipping comp, it was so close this year with the winner only winning by 1 point. 

Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the following raffle winners and thank you everyone that purchased tickets. 

  • 1st prize –Signed Jersey – A Hockey
  • 2nd prize – Signed football - L Smith
  • 3rd prize – RFC Monopoly Game - L French
  • 4th prize – RFC winter Scarf and Beanie - R Easton
  • 5th prize – RFC Merino Scarf - D Garner
  • 6th prize – RFC collection of goods - T Carroll
  • 7th prize – $25 Eastlakes Voucher - T Allocca
  • 8th prize – $25 Eastlakes Voucher - J Aravanis
  • 9th prize – $25 Eastlakes Voucher - M Doncaster
  • 10th prize – $25 Eastlakes Voucher - R Powell

Looking forward to 2023

Events that are to be discussed at the next committee meeting in November, a list of what has been discussed prior is below. If you would like to contribute to any of the following or maybe have any ideas please send them through to me to be tabled at the meeting. 

  • 10 Year anniversary event
  • Possible bus trip
  • Bunning’s BBQ
  • Tipping contest
  • Raffle
  • Game days @ Eastlake
Once again thankyou to all the members for your support this year and we look forward to a huge year in 2023. Go Tigers – Yellow and Black J
Raylene Easton Capital Tigers President